Flexible Insulation Panels
Brick slide 4

Advantages of Flexible Insulated Panels

  •  Cost-effectiveness;
  • Simple and fast installation – the possibility of independently insulating a house;
  • Manufacturer's quality guarantee
  • Lightweight – does not burden the foundation;
  • Connection of panels with tongue-and-groove and mechanical fastening;
  • Elastic coating - prevents cracking;
  • Versatility – compatible with thermal panels and window sills of other textures (sandstone, stucco, wood, marble, etc.).
Flexible Stucco is a distinctive and innovative material that, depending on the type, visually emulates stucco, marble, sandstone or even wood, all while maintaining elasticity and lightness. The material consists of a thin layer of quartz sand and acrylic binder on a flexible base.

Flexible Insulated Panels are thermal insulation materials presented in the form of molded plates with a tongue-and-groove, lockable connection, and integrated special anchoring elements (rosettes) for mechanical fastening. The protective decorative layer, in the form of clinker tiles, accurately replicates classic brickwork.

Flexible Insulated Corners Thanks to the unique elastic composition of flexible clinker, the panels can be bent at any radius angle using a special tool for cutting polystyrene foam boards. For convenience and ease of installation, we have developed a corner panel that provides the corners of the house with a more realistic appearance of brickwork.

The Installation of the panels is carried out using adhesive mixtures or with the help of a special adhesive foam for attaching polystyrene. Adhesion occurs joint to joint with a lockable connection and subsequent mechanical fastening. After the installation of the panels, the joints are grouted with a special grout mix


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